動作報告/2016-06-19 のバックアップ差分(No.2)

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14316Sep75279f    5d0I respect your own personal conviction but am uncomfortable with you projecting these convictions onto other Christians who do not see being gay as any sort of inconsistency with their faith. Celibacy is a spiritual gift for relatively few people. I suppose if you feel as though it is a gift you have, I understand, but if you’re really only adhering to it because you think it is your only option and you really would like to have a marriage commitment, then I hope you keep researching this and learn to accept who you are.VA:F [101.2._1966](from 17 votes)     162
Hi Jessica! Just had to come out of my cave long enough to say hi and congrats on the new release. Or reslesae!! You are really on a roll girl!Kaye Manro recently posted..